Staying positive during this long winter was like watching paint dry. Long, boring and not for me. Don't get me wrong, we needed snow and honestly when it's cold out, we might as well have some pretty white stuff to look at. Can I get an amen? I am pretty sure you felt that winter outstayed its welcome and it was time for sunshine.
Now that we have sunshine, I think it's pretty safe to start talking about some spring cleaning. Open up your windows, put out your patio furniture and hey, maybe take down the Christmas decorations?? Please tell me I'm not the only one with Christmas decor still up. Spring is here to stay and the sunshine is music to our soul. But before we get too carried away and put all things winter away in storage, let's put a realistic stamper on it and tread lightly.
Whether you live in the midwest like I do or live in a part of the country that season's come and go but never trickle into the next, this blog will give you the permission and knowledge to winterize your things with grace.
Living in the midwest and having kids in sports, I have learned a hard lesson to never put all the winter stuff away. I now wait until about April to put things away because mother nature has a tendency to tease us a little with a last minute spring snow storm. Now, when I decide to put things away I save a little winter items for those cold chilly game nights or random nights we are out and about and the weather feels like fall. Fun fact for you, I have Raynaud's Disease, which means I get frost bite really easy. My skin gets cold, then bumpy and then itchy and uncomfortable. So I hate being cold.
Here is a list of winter items I like to keep out all year long:

Gloves-1 pair per person
Hats/Ear Muffs/Headband-1 per person
Fall Jacket-1 per person
Scarves-1 per person
The rest of the items like boots, snow pants, winter jackets, gloves, hats, scarves, etc., can be washed and put away in totes.
Here are some things to keep in mind before you put them away:
Put things away how you want to find them. I love to store our winter gear in a clear tote, with a lid and a label marked "Winter Gear."
Anything that is ripped, has holes or zippers are broken, should be thrown away. If you are one to hang onto things thinking someday you will fix them. I am giving you permission right now to let it go. If you haven't fixed them now, you probably won't next winter either.
Anything that is too small or too big and is in good condition, go ahead and donate or sell them.
Make a list of items needed for next year. I have found that the best time of year to look for winter stuff is during the off season. Garage sales, rummage sites on social media or stores clearancing out their winter items. Always keep in mind that kids grow fast, so buying bigger might be the best option to consider. Side note, I bought a really expensive coat for my son 2 years ago, he LOVES playing outside in all weather conditions so the investment was worth it. The coat was about $150 or maybe even $200 and I bought it a bit big, hoping to get 2 years out of it. I was lucky and we totally got 2 years out of it. This coat has zero holes, zero rips and still looks brand new. It was worth the money spent. So take the investment side of things into consideration as well. You know your kids, YOU DO YOU!
So get your washing machine started along with some good totes and start winterizing your home. This will energize you right into spring and prepare you for the next winter to arrive. But until then, let's enjoy these gorgeous sunny days!
If this blog brought you goodness that you can't wait to leave me a comment or share it with all your friends, then.....umm...well...go ahead and share it. You don't need my permission. Haha but for real, I would love for you to share it.
Before I leave, I want to share another good blog with you. My friend Chrystal, owner and creator of Wildy You. She creates events for women in business, moms and daughters, personal events, coaching and has a million and 1 more dreams up her sleeve. In her latest blog she talks about the 6 R's in refreshing your goals. Such a good read, I highly recommend. I thought it would be the perfect next read since we are talking about Spring. If you don't know her yet, start following her now. The way she inspires women to show up as their wild selves, promotes self care, empowers women of all ages and takes walks with you all while coaching you on how to make those dreams of yours come true is truly inspirational. She is genuine, full of excitement and truly wants to see you succeed in anything you wish to pursue. So please, give this blog a read and start following her too. Wildly You is also on social! Facebook and Instagram.
Bonus points if you found my dog Bruno, he loves the attention. Say hi and I will pass along the message.
Your Friend
aka: The Organizing Ninja